Lexington Public Schools Bus Conduct Regulations

The Lexington Public School Committee considers the school bus an extension of the school itself, and rules regarding behavior are the same as in the school. School bus safety is a primary concern of the Lexington Public Schools and we reserve the right to take whatever action is necessary to maintain a high level of safety. The right of a pupil to school bus transportation is a qualified right, dependent of good behavior.

In cases where a pupil seriously or continuously misbehaves, the principal or designee of the school will notify parents. The bus pass will be revoked if, in the opinion of the principal, such action is necessary for the general safety and well-being of students.

Please be aware that parents should also review the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan Policy adopted by the School Committee on December 14, 2010 at: https://lps.lexingtonma.org/Current/LPSBullyingPreventPlan21Dec10.pdf

Students who ride a school bus are expected to be familiar with the following:

At Your Bus Stop

  • Arrive at your bus stop on time.
  • Pupils shall stand on the sidewalk or another designated place while waiting for the school bus. They shall respect other people’s property,respect the right of other people to pass on the sidewalk, and display manners that indicate consideration and safety for others.
  • Pupils shall never approach a school bus until it has completely stopped and the door is opened. In boarding the bus, they should proceed in an orderly manner, single file. Younger students should board and alight first from the bus.
  • In crossing the roadway after alighting from the bus, cross only in front of the bus when the blinking lights are on and the stop sign is extended.Pass at least 10 feet in front of the bus and look for traffic in both directions before crossing the roadway. Never run beside a bus, chase after a bus, or pick up anything that has fallen near the wheels of a bus.

On Your Bus

  • All students are issued a bus pass that they must show each day upon entering the bus. A student who allows another student to use his/her bus pass or sells his/her bus pass is subject to having the bus pass privileges revoked.
  • The bus driver has full authority as well as responsibility for control of the conduct of pupils while they are on the bus. Pupils should not annoy the operator or distract his/her attention from driving. The bus drivers should be treated with courtesy and respect at all times.
  • The safety of students, and particularly those who suffer from life threatening allergies, is a major concern. It is because of this that food (including any type of candy or gum) and drinks are strictly prohibited from consumption on the school bus. All food, drink, and candy must remain contained while on the school bus.
  • Vandalism, destruction, or defacing of property will not be tolerated.
  • Pupils who witness the destruction of property have a responsibility to report such misbehavior to the driver or school authorities.
  • Due to the width of the school bus aisle (12″ at the knees and 15″ at the waist/chest) and the height of the seat backs (44″ from the floor to the top of the seat back), no large instruments (e.g., cellos, French horns), large projects or large objects may be brought on the bus. In addition, a child must be able to carry and contain any and all items between his/her legs or on his/her lap. Cellos, French horns, large projects, or other large objects cannot be accommodated in the one seat in which a child is sitting.
  • Do not block the aisle.
  • Find a seat quickly. No saving seats.
  • Two or three children permitted in a seat, no more.
  • Stay seated while the bus is moving. Wait until the bus stops before getting up.
  • Pupils shall not open windows without permission. Do not throw anything out of the window. Do not put your hands, arms, or any parts of your body out the window at anytime. Do not open the rear exit emergency door unless there is an emergency or the driver directs you.
  • There shall be no pushing, striking, or general fooling. Pupils are not allowed to use profane or abusivelanguage.


The procedure for handling behavior problems, including bad language, on school buses shall be as follows:

  1. First Offense: A letter and the Bus Conduct Form shall be sent from the principal of the school or
    transportation coordinator to the parents of the student advising the parents of the offense.
  2. Second Offense: Bus privileges may be revoked for a two-week period, and parents shall be so notified by the
    principal of the school the student attends.
  3. Third Offense: Transportation privileges may be taken away from the student for the remainder of the year, and
    the parents shall be so notified by the principal of the school the student attends. There are no refunds if
    privileges are revoked.