Students have a morning snack each day.  Students in grades K-2 have a dedicated snack break, while grades 3-5 have w working snack each morning.  Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack.  Some classrooms may be designated as nut-safe due to life-threatening allergies. Because these allergens do not have to be ingested to cause problems, children in nut-safe  classrooms may not bring these items to school.


Students eat lunch daily, except on early release days.  Students may bring a lunch from home or purchase a lunch and/or drink from our cafeteria. A paper copy of the menu is sent home monthly.

Online payment through Whitson’s is preferred.  Parents preferring to send checks for lunch should make checks payable to “Lexington Public Schools.” Cash should be sent in an envelope marked with your child’s name and teacher name.  Parents may drop lunch money off directly in the main office or their child may bring their lunch money to school in his/her yellow folder. Payments are entered the same day into the Whitson’s payment system.  Lunches may be purchased the same day student lunch money comes in.
In the cafeteria, students are to eat only food provided by their family or purchased in the cafeteria per district policy. Students may not to give one another money, trade, or buy one another food.  Parents of students with allergies must inform the school nurse of the health condition and provide protocol information, in order to ensure student safety.

Click here for more from our food service provider, Whitson’s School Nutrition.


Students have a 15 minute recess each morning (or afternoon) and a 20 minute recess immediately following lunch. Parents should provide a doctor’s note should recess activity need to be restricted.  Students go outside daily, except when precipitation or temperatures below 18 degrees (with the wind chill) require indoor recess.