Students have a morning snack each day. Students in grades K-2 have a dedicated snack break, while grades 3-5 have w working snack each morning. Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack. Some classrooms may be designated as nut-safe due to life-threatening allergies. Because these allergens do not have to be ingested to cause problems, children in nut-safe classrooms may not bring these items to school.
Students eat lunch daily, except on early release days. Students may bring a lunch from home or purchase a lunch and/or drink from our cafeteria. A paper copy of the menu is sent home monthly.
Click here for more from our food service provider, Whitson’s School Nutrition.
Students have a 15 minute recess each morning (or afternoon) and a 20 minute recess immediately following lunch. Parents should provide a doctor’s note should recess activity need to be restricted. Students go outside daily, except when precipitation or temperatures below 18 degrees (with the wind chill) require indoor recess.