• Students: 582
  • Staff: 85
  • Languages Spoken: 31
  • Countries Represented: 23
  • Title I School
  • Full day Kindergarten
  • Grades: K-5
  • Classrooms: 27 (4-5 sections in each grade)
  • Average class size: 22:1
  • School opened: 1961
  • Current building opened: 2014
  • Colors: yellow and black
  • Mascot: The Estabee
  • Twitter: @EstabrookSchool 

We are Estabrook–More than a Name

History of Estabrook School

In 1957, Harvard University and Lexington Public Schools (Franklin School) engaged in a progressive partnership called the SUPRAD project (School and University Program for Research and Design) that led to the design and build of the original Estabrook School, which opened in 1961 and became one of the first team teaching schools in the United States.  Estabrook School’s first educational philosophy included flexible instruction, varied age groups learning together, cooperative learning and mentor teachers. Teachers taught small and large teams of students, and these teams rotated from one teacher to the next, to learn from those educators who were regarded as the most expert teachers in each academic area. This philosophy proved successful, and many traveled from around the world and across decades to see Estabrook School. Estabrook was even featured on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post in the 1960’s.

In February 2014, Estabrook School opened a newly constructed, 90,000 sq.ft. LEED Silver (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) building.

Joseph Estabrook 

Estabrook Elementary is named after Joseph Estabrook (1669–1733), the first schoolteacher in Lexington. It is notable for being the oldest Lexington Elementary school.  Captain and Deacon Joseph Estabrook  settled in Hingham.  In 1710 he was assigned to the Lexington Church.  He was elected Deacon in 1716.  He commanded a military company, filled the offices of town clerk, treasurer, assessor, selectman, and representative to the General Court.  He was often employed as a surveyor and was engaged to teach in the first school in Lexington.

Estabrook Educational Philosophy

  • Estabrook School focuses on the ‘whole child’ with a ‘growth mindset’ to support each student’s academic and pro-social strengths and needs.

  • Estabrook School provides personalized and responsive learning, providing students what they need and when they need it.

  • Estabrook School provides authentic learning experiences through high quality instruction, rich literature, problem-solving, project-based learning, technology integration and pro-social learning opportunities.

  • Estabrook School celebrates our diversity through the curriculum, arts, social-emotional learning and enrichment opportunities.

  • Estabrook School embraces an inclusionary model of learning, where all teachers provide best practice instruction and proactive forms of intervention in the classroom.

  • Estabrook School engages in effective communication and collaboration to teach and support ALL students, colleagues and families.


Niche Best Public Elementary School | 2015, 2016 1st in Massachusetts | 2016 10th in United States

Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System | 2016 Level 1, 97th percentile

 Massachusetts Department of Public Health | 2013 Gold Medal Wellness Award

Massachusetts Department of Education | 2010, 2011 Commendation for High Growth

LEED-Certified Silver School | 2014
Massachusetts School Building Authority Model School | 2016
Massachsetts DOT Safe Routes to School Exemplary Program | 2017

Lexington Elementary Curriculum

Lexington Public Schools provides a comprehensive educational curriculum for all students. Elementary students receive a minimum of 60 minutes/day of literacy, writing and mathematics, as well as a robust science-engineering, social studies and a social-competency curriculum.  Each week, students also receive 60 minutes/week of Visual Art, General Music and Physical Education and Health, as well as 30 minutes/week of Library with additional time for research.  Instrumental Music (band, strings) is offered to fourth and fifth grades, and Chorus is provided in fifth grade.  Students have lunch and two recesses daily, except Thursdays when all elementary schools dismiss at 12:15 p.m., with one recess and lunch at home.  Every Thursday from 1:15-3:15 p.m., the Lexington elementary teachers engage in professional learning.

Class Size Policy

The Lexington School Committee and Lexington Education Association recognize that class size is an important factor in quality education. Teacher/pupil ratios are stated in the collective bargaining agreement between the Lexington Education Association, Unit A and Lexington School Committee. The language with regard to the elementary school states, “The School Committee will make every effort to maintain the following building wide teacher/pupil ratios for the duration of the Agreement.”

  • Kindergarten   1-18
  • Grade 1   1-20
  • Grade 2   1-22
  • Grade 3-5   1-24

Teaching Methodology and Structure

Estabrook School engages in Professional Learning Communities (PLC). The school is organized into six teams, grades K-5. These teams are comprised of regular education, special education and English Language Learning (ELL) teachers.  The teams employs an instructional data cycle to improve learning for all students.  All teams have one 60 minute PLC block and two 30 minute grade level blocks to support collaboration within the school day.

The teachers implement the Common Core-inspired Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and the rigorous curriculum and assessment expectations set forth by Lexington Public Schools.  Below is an overview of the general elementary curriculum, methods and assessments employed by Lexington Elementary Schools:

  • Reading: Units of Study (Calkins), Guided Reading (Fountas and Pinnell), the Developmental Reading Assessment 2 (DRA2), Teachers College Running Records, Aimsweb assessment
  • Writing:  Units of Study (Calkins), on-demand writing prompts and Teachers College rubrics
  • Mathematics:  Everyday Mathematics, Assessing Math Concepts, Contexts for Learning, Do the Math, Dreambox, Fasttmath, Fraction Nation
  • Science:  Curriculum designed by Lexington Public Schools integrated with non-fiction reading and writing, Big Backyard Program, Estabrook School’s LEED Science Curriculum lessons
  • Social Studies:  Curriculum designed by Lexington Public Schools integrated with non-fiction reading and writing, Lexington Public Schools Windows and Mirrors Curriculum
  • Social Competency 


Open Circle, Responsive Classroom, Social Thinking, Zones of Regulation, Second Step, Olweus Class Meetings

Estabrook School employs a Response to Intervention (RtI) approach to meeting students’ needs. The faculty collaborates to provide a seamless approach to tier one (general curriculum), tier two (strategic supports and intervention) and tier three (intensive supports and intervention) in the inclusive environment.  Pull-out instruction is provided for short durations for those students who specifically require it. There is shared responsibility among the Estabrook faculty and staff for all students’ success.

Estabrook School Instructional Technology

Estabrook School implements an instructional technology plan that supports the developmental learning needs of students. We have over 500 digital tools for students and teachers, including MacBooks, Chromebooks, iPads, interactive whiteboards, document readers and voice amplification systems. Tools are stored in MacBook and Chromebook carts in secure charging locations, as well as storage lockers in the classrooms. We strive to integrate these tools into learning in a meaningful and safe way, using Acceptable Use Policies, student and parent contracts, and digital citizenship instruction. We also believe that technology integration helps us practice universal design in learning, helping students access the curriculum in a personalized and inclusive way. Ongoing professional learning is provided to teachers to use a variety of web-based applications, including Google Apps for Education and other productivity tools.

Estabrook School LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Silver Curriculum

As part of our LEED Silver certification, Estabrook School designed a K-5 Science Curriculum that helped students learn about the importance green living. Each grade level experiences unique, hands-on learning opportunities where Estabrook School’s building serves as an experiential learning tool. For example, students learn about biodiversity from our rain gardens, sustainable forestry from our wood, energy efficiency from our lighting, and water conservation from our efficient water systems. These experiences are complemented by two greenhouses, a green roof, nearby conservation land, a Big Backyard program and a Safe Routes to School program, where students learn about our environment in meaningful ways.

Estabrook School Parent Partnerships

Lexington Public Schools’ parents are highly supportive of their children’s education. Parents volunteer routinely, and participate in family activities often. Estabrook School is fortunate to have such a vibrant and supportive Parent / Teacher Association who actively sponsors many clubs and family events each month.  Our parents are also leaders in our community.  You will see our parents at monthly Principal Coffees, School Site Council, PTA events, Lexington School Committee and town meetings. The Estabrook PTA is a substantial and important organization in our school that ensures all families are welcomed, engaged, informed and supported.

Estabrook School Enrichment Opportunities

Estabrook School has a wide variety of before school activities, such as Before School Sports, Morning Club, Math Olympiad and Chess Clubs. During the school day, Estabrook holds concerts, grade level assemblies, social lunch groups, and Arts and Children Together (ACT) performances. After school, students have the opportunity to engage in Science Club, Lego Robotics, Kids’ Cooking Green and basketball, among many others. Family evening activities such as playground events, family math, potluck dinner, movie nights, open library nights and grade level gatherings are only some of the many enrichment opportunities for Estabrook students.

Estabrook School and Community Partnerships

Estabrook School also hosts an independent, after school childcare program from 3:15-6:00 pm (M, T, W, F) and 12:15-6:00 pm (Th) in the school. Estabrook School partners with the Town of Lexington Recreation to host sports and other activities in the evening, such as basketball, a ski clinic, badminton and youth sports. Estabrook School is a Town of Lexington Voting/Poll Location (Precinct 7). The general music room is used for voting. Estabrook School is accessed by NEMBA (New England Mountain Biking Association) to enter the Landlocked Forest (Burlington, MA).