Groundbreaking Remarks

Thursday, October 12, 2012, 10:00 a.m. Ceremony

Sandra A. Trach, Principal

On behalf of the Joseph Estabrook School Community, I am honored to celebrate this memorable occasion with you. Each of us in the Estabrook School Community is so grateful for the magnificent and generous gift of a new elementary school for the Lexington Public Schools. The new Estabrook School is the collective vision of our entire community, and our new school will ably serve our students in 2014, as

well as for years to come. It has been an honor and a privilege to collaborate with so many on such a phenomenal educational project that will provide unprecedented educational opportunities for Lexington students. We are grateful for and humbled by the magnitude of your gift to the Lexington children, faculty, parents, families, and greater community.

Fifty-one years ago, when Estabrook School first opened its doors, it was famously known as the first team teaching school in the nation. For decades thereafter, professionals in education, research and architecture traveled worldwide to see the renowned Estabrook School in action. The school’s progressive instructional vision, inspired by Harvard University and Lexington educators, was complemented by an open and flexible architectural design. Cooperative learning, flexible multi-age learning groups and teacher leadership were the instructional cornerstones of the 1961 Estabrook School. These advanced best practices were not readily apparent in mainstream education until the 1990’s. Indeed, the Joseph Estabrook School was an instructional leader then, as it is now. Our current educational program continues to be founded upon these same progressive principles of outstanding instruction ensuring excellence and equity for all students. In the new Estabrook School, we will strive to continue the Lexington legacy of excellence, while making new history in this state of the art school designed to support the contemporary learning needs of all students.

It is fitting that the Joseph Estabrook School was named by a student in 1961, after the first school teacher in Lexington. Estabrook is above all, a student-centered school, devoted to exceptional teaching and learning for every child. Our superior faculty is considered the best in their field, 100% focused on the success of our learners. Our parent community is exceptionally devoted to the academic and social success of all Lexington children, families and staff. Our beautifully diverse student body comes from all over the United States and our international community and our students demonstrate everyday, what curious, playful and extraordinary learners they are. Together, we are a culturally and linguistically diverse school community that is proudly committed to inclusivity, community and high standards of learning for all students. The new Estabrook School will allow us to celebrate our love of learning and spirit of community, as we help every child achieve high levels of learning to grasp the opportunities that await them in life. Again, on behalf of the entire Estabrook School Community, we are profoundly and sincerely grateful for your tremendous time, support, energy and generosity for a new Joseph Estabrook School. We appreciate your devotion to Estabrook School, the Lexington Public Schools and the Town of Lexington, and look forward to our journey ahead.


Sandra A. Trach
