Ultimate Frisbee *Ultimate Frisbee will be capped at 30 participants: a wait list will be started at 31.
Badminton / Volleyball  (FULL as of 3/27/19) *Badminton / Volleyball will be capped at 24 participants; a wait list will start at 25.
Both programs will run from 3:00 – 4:30.
Ultimate Frisbee will be on a Monday / Wednesday schedule.
Badminton / Volleyball will be on a Tuesday / Thursday schedule.
Each program will run for 12 sessions.
Ultimate Frisbee will start on Monday, April 22, and will run until Wednesday, June 5.
Badminton / Volleyball will start on Tuesday, April 23, and will continue until Tuesday, June 4.
Badminton and Volleyball will each run for 6 sessions.
Badminton will be the first 3 weeks. Volleyball the last 3 weeks.
Mr. O’Brien will begin accepting registrations on Monday, March 25.