Girls Soccer 2018
Varsity Coach: Ed Dube
Ed Dube | |
Soccer News:
Individual Skills (You do need to practice to get better. Take what you can use from the videos and disregard the rest):
- AllAttack Soccer Videos
- Progressive Soccer Training Videos
- How to understand soccer positions-Soccer Skills (new)
- Learn all soccer positions with ease! (new)
- Technical training for football/soccer players – Learn the Brazilian Way
- Individual Football Training – Drills to improve your game
- Fast Feet Beginner Soccer Drills
- Youth Soccer Drills & Skills : Beginning Soccer Fundamentals
- How To Kick A Soccer Ball – 3 Soccer Kicks You Must Know
Tryouts will be held after school on the fields on Wednesday, 9/5 and POSSIBLY Thursday, 9/6. The Thursday date will depend on the turnout on Wednesday. Students should bring shin guards, a water bottle and a snack. NO CLEATS! Pick up will be at 4:30PM.
In order to make yourself eligible to try out, please make sure you check off the two following requirements:
- TURN IN A CURRENT PHYSICAL TO THE SCHOOL NURSES, so you are medically cleared to play/practice.
- Register online (Registration link can be found in the left column of the Diamond Athletics webpage.)
Practice is Monday through Friday on days that we do not have games. Practices start on Tuesday, 9/11. On Thursday, 9/13 there will be no practice.
All practices end promptly at 4:30 with the exception of Fridays, which are “Captains’ Practices” and end at 4:00pm. Please make the necessary arrangements to pick up your child at that time.
If a player cannot make it 5 days per week I need to know in advance and I will try to accommodate their schedule. I understand that things do come up. However, the expectation for students that play in a league outside of school must attend all games played by the school team.