Lexington Elementary School Handbook Introduction
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the Lexington Elementary Schools. In an effort to achieve consistency across the elementary schools, we are providing each family with a copy of the Lexington Public Schools’ Elementary Handbook. The handbook is designed to provide you with pertinent information you should be aware of regarding your child’s elementary education. Wet rust that you will share this useful information with your child in the most appropriate manner.
A limited number of copies is available in school offices and libraries, and it is also available on the LPS website. Below please find a download-friendly copy of the K-5 student handbook and a link to other district handbooks.
- Elementary Student Handbook – 2018-2019 (Please note that different elementary schools may have addition handbook information specific to each school posted on the school’s sites)
- Elementary Curriculum Benchmarks 9 (Revised 8/2018)
Please note that after July 1, 2017, all school email addresses will be changing. User names will remain the same, but our new addresses will contain @lexingtonma.org. Updated handbooks will be posted as they are updated.
The Lexington Elementary Schools are full of knowledge, enthusiasm, fun, challenge, constructive play, creativity, support and encouragement.Our dedicated teaching staff and support personnel strive to provide for each student’s individual needs. We encourage your support and assistance throughout the school year so that your child will have a successful and rewarding year.
Paul B. Ash