Superintendent Reports
LSC Agenda and LPS Superintendent Report
You can see information from the March 12th school committee meeting HERE and the Superintendent's report from February 27, 2024.
District News on ParentSquare!
District News on ParentSquare
Are you a community member who is interested in school news? Do you want to learn about the new LHS building project or see Dr. Hackett's Superintendent Reports? Lexington Public Schools has migrated our…
Superintendent's Report 2.13.2024
Dear LPS Community,
Click HERE for the February 13, 2024 Superintendent's Report.
Lexington High School Building Project Community Forum 2
Would you like to learn more about the new Lexington High School building project?
Join us for a Community Forum (view flyer HERE)
Tuesday, November 21 at 6:30-8:30pm
Meeting will include a welcome and introductions by Dr. Julie Hackett,…
Upcoming LPS Vaccine Clinics
Please click HERE for a list of upcoming vaccine clinics being held in Lexington at the LPS Central Office.
Parent Square Update February 2023
Dear Families and Guardians of LPS Students,
We hope that this letter finds you doing well, albeit some very cold weather. We’re reaching out to provide some additional information about our new mass communication system, ParentSquare.
NEW: LHS Building Project Website
LHS Building Website
To learn more about or keep informed about the LHS Building Project for a new or renovated Lexington High School, click HERE to access the website which houses all information related to the project.
Special Education: Tiered Focused Monitoring Review
During the week of January 23, 2023, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Public School Monitoring (PSM) will conduct a Tiered Focused Monitoring Review of Lexington Public School District. The Office of Public…
School Building Committee
School Building Committee
This committee has been formed as part of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Eligibility Period. The SBC’s purpose is generally to monitor the application process and to advise during the construction…
Elementary World Language
In response to some of the questions regarding Elementary World Language (for fall of 2023!), please view the links below:
Fall 2022 Update WITH SURVEY!
Fall 2021 Elementary World Language Presentation
Fall 2021 Elementary World Language…