Welcome to the ELL Resource Page!
We hope you find these resources helpful for you and your family. We will continue to add tools, so check back often!
Click the top of the page to translate this website into many languages.
Welcome to Harrington Books
These books were created with students to help welcome new students and families to Harrington. Please click to download the eBook, watch the movie (to watch and hear the book) or to download the PDF of the book in your native language. More languages are coming soon!
If you have an iPad or iPad mini, click the eBook, and on your device, choose ‘Open in iBooks’ (this may take a few minutes to download), and you will be able to hear the translations. If you have a Mac computer with iBooks, you can also click and open in iBooks.
If you do not have a device, click on the movie to watch the book and hear the translations.
If you would like a printed copy, click the PDF and print.
- Mandarin eBook
Mandarin PDF
Korean PDF