Dear Students,


All 4th Quarter Attendance Appeals forms are due to your Dean’s Office by Friday, June 7 by 12:30 PM


Forms are available in your Dean’s Office and can also be printed HERE or from the “News” tab on the LHS website. These appeals are for students who have an “N” (5 or more absences) in a class, and the absences are a combination of excused and unexcused absences or all unexcused absences.  You may NOT appeal your first “N” in a yearlong course, as it does not result in credit loss and only your final year grade will appear on final transcripts.

If you have a “N” and all absences are excused, you do not need to do anything further, as it will be waived.  If further documentation is needed, your Dean will reach out to you.  You do not need to appeal absences from I Block.  


Student attendance verification sheets were previously posted in Aspen on May 13.  Please make sure you are looking at a current attendance summary.  It can also be run at anytime on Aspen using the following directions:

  • Select the My Info top tab, then select the attendance side tab
  • Go to Reports
  • Select Attendance Summary (Portal) (LHS Only). Select the grade term by clicking on the magnifying glass next to Term
  • Click Run


Deans will be reviewing appeals and may reach out to students via accounts to make an appointment to discuss if needed..  


All Appeals decisions will be emailed to students by Tuesday, June 11.  If you have any questions about your attendance or the appeals process, please see your Dean.


Thank you,

The Deans


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