Report Absences, Tardies & Dismissals via Email. Include student name & date in subject line and reason in body of email.
Attendance Policy for Absent and Tardy Students
A meeting will be scheduled with the building Principal (or his/her designee), the parents/guardians, and the student to develop an action plan to improve the student’s attendance if a student has accrued any of the following:
- Five (5) or more unexcused absences in the school year
- Five (5) or more days tardy (unexcused)
- Two (2) or more classes/periods (unexcused)
Please note that when a student has been absent for five (5) or more consecutive days, parents/guardians must obtain a doctor’s note and submit it to school. If a student is absent for eight or more days in a quarter, school officials may file a CRA (Child Requiring Assistance) petition with the Juvenile Court which could result in a hearing before a Juvenile Court Judge. Prior to the filing of a CRA, parents/guardians and students will be required to work with school administrators to improve the student’s attendance. Chronic absenteeism may also lead to academic failure for the year and retention of the student.
An Excused Absence/Tardy includes:
- Documented illness or injury
- Bereavement/family funeral
- Major religious observations
- Extraordinary family circumstances (excused at the discretion of the principal)
An Unexcused Absence/Tardy is any absence or tardy that is not covered by the aforementioned definition of “Excused Absence/Tardy.” Examples of an unexcused absence may include, but may not be limited to:
- Repetitive or chronic absence or tardiness due to illness or injury not documented by a doctor or other medical professional.
- Cutting class (suspendable offense)
- Truancy
- Family vacations
- Undocumented absences
- Non-emergency family situations
Before School Protocol
- The school building opens to students at 7:50 a.m. Prior to 7:50 a.m. students are expected to congregate in the courtyard outside the front entrance. Students may enter the building at 7:30 to attend breakfast or use the library. Students not using the cafeteria or library appropriately will be sent outside. Faculty members who wish to meet with students in the morning must provide them with a pass to either enter the building early or leave the cafeteria prior to 7:50.
On days when weather conditions are poor, students may enter the building earlier and will be supervised in designated areas until 7:50 a.m., at that time they will be allowed to proceed to their homerooms. Students who arrive to school after 8:00 must sign in at the main office where they will be marked tardy and will wait until 8:05 to proceed to their locker.
During School Protocol
If a student whose name does not appear on the daily attendance has been absent from class, teachers must report the absence to the main office. Teachers must notify the attendance secretary if a student who is present is marked absent on the daily attendance. When in the hallways during class, all students need to have a pass and should have signed out in the classroom. If another student is using the classroom pass, students need to wait until it is available unless special circumstances allow the student to leave the classroom, e.g. IEP or 504 accommodations. No student may leave school grounds without permission. Leaving without permission will automatically result in disciplinary action.
After School Protocol
- Students are expected to leave the building by 2:50 p.m. unless supervised by an adult.
- Students who stay and are unsupervised will be asked to leave. Unsupervised students will be reported to an administrator and their parents/guardians will be called. Students who are absent from school may not attend or participate in any extracurricular functions such as intramurals, dances, concerts, or plays, the same day of their absence.
Early Dismissal
Students who need to be dismissed from school during the day must present a note from parents/guardians to the main office between 7:50 and 8:00 a.m. explicitly stating the time and reason for the dismissal and the person picking the student up. The student will then be issued a pass to leave class at the requested time. Whenever possible, doctor and dentist appointments should be arranged outside of school hours. Students must be picked up when leaving school early; they may not be dismissed to leave on their own. Students should not be dismissed early on MCAS testing days unless there is an emergency.