QR Codes are digitized images that can redirect a device to a website or other spot on the internet.
- How can I create one? You can create one with an online generator or a QR Code creating app.
- How do I share a QR Code? You could email it, post it on your website or print it and hand it out.
- Who would use a QR code? Anyone who wants quick access to a website without typing in a URL.
- What age students would use QR Codes? QR codes make sense in differing ways for people from 4-104!
- Why would I use a QR Code in a school environment? QR Codes can be used by pre-readers to access video directions (think math centers); They can be posted around the room to provide background information about classroom resources (think ELL); They can be posted around the room to provide word bank information to support any classroom centers, materials, etc. (think all language learners); They can be used anywhere you want to provide a depth of information beyond a 2D surface; They can be used inside and outside to provide resources to people with mobile devices (think LEED information); they can be used to provide a link to your classroom website (think QR code in your newsletter); They can be used to create a scavenger hunt (Mrs. Burk has some cool math ones!) … I could go on and on – the sky’s the limit!
- Drawbacks about QR Codes: You will need to have a QR Code Reader to access the web-resource embedded in the code.
- Benefits of QR Codes: You can maintain a static QR Code (printed, etc.) and change the content on the internet-end (your classroom website, etc.). Some codes even let you change the associated web address if you like (Dynamic QR Codes).
- This sheet of QR codes was created by LPS Elementary Math Specialists – to demonstrate a math game (used in math centers).
- This was created with www.qrstuff.com; Use it to share the student video on this page – with colleagues or students.
Students Use QR Codes to publish Book Reflections right on the books! (video below)
Other Resources
- QRStuff, free Online QR Code Generator
- QR Scanner app– low cost (currently in LPS elementary schools)
- Other free apps are available – the best ones open the resource immediately